My timeline is currently getting jammed with opinions on two articles that were recently published. One was Bryce Harper's ESPN article about his desire to change the game of Baseball and the other is ironically an interview of Goose Gausage ranting about Jose Bautista (and a couple others) being a "disgrace to the f****ing game." <-- He actually said those exact words.
Goose has no chill. And I think he is way outta line and wrong.
What if Jose hit that dinger, put his head down, and ran the bases like you wanted? I certainly wouldn't have bat flipped my nachos in our boardroom or instinctively hunted for my phone to join in with millions talking about the flip scene around the world.
Professional athletes have worked their asses off to get where they are today and they wouldn't be there if they didn't share the common goal of winning. That doesn't mean they have to be robotically respecting certain "unwritten rules" on and off the field. Millions of fans tune in to watch incredible athletes do incredible things. They also tune in to live vicariously through these athletes. They are human beings running high on adrenaline and emotion and if a 40 foot bat flip is the result of an authentic split second emotion, then dammit flip the bat.
I think Harper showed some stones saying what a lot of people his age are thinking. and I have to side with him on this one. Here is what BHarp said:
Chop Wood. Carry Water. Flip Bats.
- Freshident
BVI from Team Fresh talking about adding some colour to the game. PC: Riley Sisco - Captive